Community language services
Let’s Interpret has worked in partnership with a number of local organisations, providing them with interpreting, translation and proofreading services. This provides vital work experience for our members, allowing them to put their training into practice whilst also enabling local organisations to ensure equality of access to the services and support that they provide.
“CCAWS (Community Care and Wellbeing Service), a community-led organisation, is dedicated to providing culturally and faith-sensitive mental health support for the BAME community…Let’s Interpret has been invaluable in this mission, providing interpretation services that empower us to connect meaningfully with our clients… This language support is essential to overcoming barriers that could otherwise hinder access to vital mental health services… Let’s Interpret’s professionalism and dedication to culturally sensitive communication are at the core of our collaborative success. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support, which allows us to deliver the compassionate, impactful care our clients need and deserve.
Cadwyn Housing Association
“We recently reached out to tenants who we know are seldom heard within our organisation… By accessing Let’s Interpret, we were able to work with two very passionate and skilled ‘interpreters to be’. Their work was very professional and rooted in their understanding of the needs of the community. It was also a very valuable experience to understand that as a social housing landlord, we were able to support the development and progression their interpreting journey, and hopefully others to come!”.
Riverside Advice
We provide interpreting services for the clients and officers.
Displaced People in Action
“DPIA has been supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Wales since 2001 through various projects. Through the current Shaping My Future project, DPIA delivers information sessions on the topics of culture and healthcare. By partnering with Let’s Interpret, we have been able to work with, and build relationships with, professional, friendly and skilled interpreters. It has greatly benefited the quality of our sessions to be able to have open communication with interpreters in advance, to ensure they are familiar with the content of the session. This has also proved to be a good shadowing opportunity which we are pleased to provide to interpreters who are training.”