Quotes from members:
“It has opened up a whole other world that I thought I knew about but now realise I didn’t”
“I now realise the responsiblity of this job”
“Before I had no idea what it means to be a PROFESSIONAL interpreter – now I know the skills I need to be one”
“It has helped me to know my strengths and my weaknesses”
“This was the opportunity I had been waiting for, for so long”
“It has opened up my employment options for the future”
“Let’s Interpret has brought my social life back!”
“Even though it wasn’t my main goal at the start, it has encouraged me to go further and deepen my understanding”
“Before I didn’t know how to get to where I wanted to go”
“I am very open to new things now”
“It’s made me realise all the opportunities that are out there”
“I hadn’t been in a group environment for so long, this gave me the confidence express my opinion in front of others, to speak up”
“Meeting women from different backgrounds has shown me that if I have the confidence I can train, find work and help my community”
“I am so proud of myself”
“I can proudly say, I am going to be an interpreter”